Millions of light years ago, the greatest sun in the Draco galaxy underwent a supernova, producing a huge neutron star. At around the same era, life on the planets nearby and far from Earth had the first forms of life. Many light years later, Earth's planetary defense bureau investigates a mysterious Jovian object that has landed on Earth, exhibiting greater technology than imagined. A being of enormous intelligence battles the arsenal of hi-tech gadgets created and merged by the secret work done on Earth, only to discover a greater intelligent secret lies beneath the secret; empowered by another intelligence, not of this planet, that threatens the entire Milky Way and the nearby Chocolate Way. In a bid to save the planet and prevent a chocolate milkshake, the being of intelligence attempts to put a stop to unimaginable ways.
Why do so many people on this planet believe in a divine being? Is it even sensible to believe in one? With increasing progression in human knowledge of the natural world around, there seems little reason to believe in a divine being. With this, the pressure increases on both the agnostic and Christian to abandon their search for the answer. Yet on the other front, the Christian also begins to face the rise of old enemies that once plagued Christian orthodoxy. Similar to its predecessor, this book and its compilation of themed articles addresses the issues in the logic, philosophy and thoughts of Christianity from an analytical point of view. Some of these articles serve to expand and clarify the points raised in its predecessor, and some on completely new topics. Yet unlike the predecessor, this book focuses more on the doctrine and basis of Orthodox Christian beliefs, and how Christians can apply them to everyday life through articles that academic, reflective, and argumentative. Just like ‘A Practical Guide to the Logic, Philosophy, and Thoughts of Christianity’, this book is the result of a single individual’s search for God. It promises to be challenging and thought provoking for the genuinely open-minded and interested. Even so, the articles are meant to be understood by any interested agnostic and Christian with a slow yet provocative push into the basis of Christianity and her doctrines.
Why is the peace of the Middle East so crucial in world peace? How is it that the Promised Land is the land flowing with milk and honey? What are the implications of the Bible lands in relation to world peace in the future? What are the proofs of Biblical accounts? Why do modern day Christians travel to the Bible lands? What does the politics of Israel and her neighbours have to do with Biblical prophecy? Do the Biblical lands have any impact or on theology today? Through a tour from Jordan to south Israel and up to the Golan heights, this book shows pictures of the key areas linked to major events in the Bible, and how the geography of the landscape and the history are tightly linked not only to Bible accounts, but also to the Bible prophecies to come. With links to online resources, the author explains the significance not only of the physical areas, but also addresses mysteries that remain unresolved such as the location of the Ark of Covenant. Intended as a simple guide for readers interested in the Bible lands in the context of both Bible history and current day situations, this book explains every picture and location visited in this tour with Chin Lien Bible Seminary, Singapore.
Why do so many people on this planet believe in a divine being? Is it logical to believe in one? There are so many claims by so many religions, so which is real and logical? Religious sects cannot even agree amongst themselves on doctrines, how can there be a One true divine being then? Why do Christians believe this? Can ‘evolution’ and ‘God’ co-exist? This book uses logic and modern day examples to explain the numerous questions that may flood atheists, agnostics and Christians alike. As society progresses in the direction of science and technology, logic and scientific validation plays an increasing role in everyday thought processes. In the scientific and logical world, religion, faith, and beliefs get continuously challenged. Many once-faithful Christians may begin to question their Christian beliefs, or get confused on the validity of the numerous doctrines and teachings of various Christian sects. Similarly, the agnostic is thrown into confusion amongst the claims of the many Christian sects on the ‘Truth’. On the other end of the spectrum, the hard-core atheist begins to increasingly question the intelligence of these individuals that still believe in some sort of divine being(s). To address these, this book utilizes logical arguments, and expositions of modern day examples in hopes to bring a clearer picture to issues dealing with a divine creator, the search for the truth, and certain issues in Christianity.
What has the field of psychology got to do with the Bible? Can it shed light on certain events in the Bible? Does it undermine the Bible and the teachings therein? Are there any secular psychology publications that can affirm Biblical events or teachings? Can psychology be used as an evangelistic tool? And has psychology been abused to justify unbiblical practices and concepts like demonology?
As knowledge in the sciences grow, unbiblical interpretations flooded and will continue to flood the various disciplines. Psychology is a field that can study and affirm biblical teachings in areas where the other sciences cannot. To show this, the articles in the book leverage on modern day psychology understanding to illustrate the effects of the Fall and its effects on our understanding of God’s Word. Topics include the “Psychology of Evil”, introspection, and psychological understanding of languages, all to show how the Word of God, as recorded in the preserved texts of the Holy Scriptures, can be applied to our lives. Most importantly, the articles also aim to highlight that it is only with the Scriptures, can psychological findings make sense.
The articles in the book expand on certain concepts and arguments previously mentioned in the previous books by the author: “A Practical Guide to the Logic, Philosophy, and Thoughts of Christianity”, “Another Practical Guide to the Logic, Philosophy, and Thoughts of Christianity”, as well as “A Guide to the Biblical Lands: Jordan and Israel”.
by Samuel Ken-En Gan, Translator: Ellyzabeth Handoko
Mengapa begitu banyak orang di planet ini yang percaya pada makhluk ilahi? Apakah logis untuk mempercayainya? Dari begitu banyak klaim dari beragam agama, mana yang dapat dianggap sebagai yang nyata dan logis? Bahkan sesama sekte religius sendiripun tidak dapat menyetujui doktrin -doktrin yang ada, maka bagaimana mungkin ada Sosok makhluk ilahi yang sejati? Mengapa orang Kristen mempercayai hal yang demikian? Dapatkah ‘evolusi’ dan ‘Tuhan’ hidup saling berdampingan? Buku ini menggunakan logika dan contoh-contoh modern yang terjadi saat ini untuk menjelaskan bermacam-macam pertanyaan yang mungkin menimpa kalangan atheis, agnostik dan bahkan kalangan orang Kristen yang serupa. Seiring kemajuan masyarakat ke arah ilmu ilmiah dan teknologi, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa logika dan bukti ilmiah berperan begitu pesat dalam proses berpikir kita sehari-hari. Dalam dunia ilmu ilmiah dan logika, agama, iman, dan kepercayaan terus-menerus tertantang. Bahkan banyak orang Kristen yang pernah be.
by Samuel Ken-En Gan, Translator: Ellyzabeth Handoko
Mengapa perdamaian di Timur Tengah memegang peranan yang begitu penting dalam mewujudkan perdamaian dunia? Bagaimana wujud Tanah Perjanjian yang disebut sebagai tanah yang berlimpah susu dan madu? Apakah implikasi yang diberikan oleh tanah di Alkitab akan hubungannya dengan perdamaian dunia di masa yang akan dating? Apakah bukti-bukti dari sisi Alkitabiah-nya? Mengapa orang Kristen di zaman sekarang mengunjungi tempat-tampat- Alkitab? Apa hubungannya politik Israel dan negara tetangganya akan nubuatan Alkitab? Adakah tanah di Alkitab memiliki dampak tertentu atau bahkan terhadap teologi sekarang ini? Melalui tur dari Yordan ke selatan Israel dan bahkan sampai ke bukit Golan, buku tersebut menunjukkan gambar-gamber terhadap area penting yang berhubungan dengan kejadian yang penting dari Alkitab, sertabagaimana bentuk geografi dan sejarahnya dihubungkan tidak hanya kepada sisi Alkitabnya, tapi juga kepada nubuatan Alkitab yang akan dating. Dengan sumber yang diambil dari online, sang penulis menjelaskan tidak h
An introduction to basic molecular biology practices in the lab, covering lab safety, basic lab equipment usage, stoichiometry, making of buffers, nucleic acids and how to extract, analyze and use them in molecular biology research.